Messaging protocol & Bot side API's

Synchronous and asynchronous channels

Depending on channel specifics, some of them requires to gather all responses synchronously. The good example is Google assistant.

  • synchronous channels - requires replies in a webhook's response body and has limited or none support for asynchronous replies
  • asynchronous channels - allows replies in a webhook's response body and supports asynchronous replies

Bot Applications webhook

Application's webhook API

  • POST /bot - bot application webhook

    Orchestrator uses this API to notify bot about new messaging events

Webhook data

The request can contain more messaging events because of optimization of execution - it lowers a number of sent requests.

  • entry: (object[]) - list of messaging event groups
  • (string) - ID of messaging group
  • [entry.requires_response]: (boolean) - if true, there's no way to respond the conversation asynchronously using the /send API
  • entry.app_id: (string) - application to which events are sent to
  • entry.messaging: (object[]) - list of messaging events direcly passed to application
  • entry.standby: (object[]) - list of messaging events passed to application in standby mode

There are either messaging or standby events. Never both in same time.

"requires_response": true, // optional
"app_id": "1234",
"messaging": [ // or "standby"
...list of messaging events at specific channel

Event sent to a bot application

  • (string) - identification of the sender
  • (string) - identifies a channel
  • timestamp: (number) - when the event was emitted (taken from the original event)
  • mid: (string) - unique identification of the event (given by the orchestrator)
  • features: (string[]) - supported channel features (text, ssml, voice, phrases, tracking)
"sender": {
"id": "<USER_ID>"
"recipient": {
"id": "<CHANNEL_ID>"
"timestamp": 1458692752478,
"mid": "<unique event identification>",
"features": ["text"]
...event contents

Responding to webhook's event

If the channel requires to respond synchronously (the requires_response is set to true), the bot's webhook has to send responses back to the orchestrator immediatelly.

  • for each entry object from webhook there should be a corresponding object in response
  • each messaging event could have corresponding response object between responses
  • messaging events in a single response are processed sequentionally - so this makes able to insert delays between each response
"entry": [
"id": "<CHANNEL_ID>",
"responses": [
"response_to_mid": "<original message id>",
"messaging": [
...list of responses

Sending responses to Orchestrator's API

At channels, that supports asynchronous communication, there's possibility to send responses also after dispatching the webhook's event.

  • POST /webhook/api - when acting as an application
  • POST /webhook/api/<CHANNEL_ID> - when acting as a channel

Event sent by bot as a response

  • response_to_mid: (string) - identifies the source messaging event for aggregation purposes
  • expected: (object) - optional channel guidace for expected user response
  • expected.input: (object) - input type guidance
  • expected.input.type: (string) - type of the inpupt (password, none, upload)
  • expected.phrases: (string[]) - list of expected phrases (when supported by voice channel)
  • expected.entities: (string[]) - list of expected entities (when supported by voice channel)
"response_to_mid": "source event identification",
"expected": { // optional
"input": {
"type": "password"
...response contents

Messaging event types

Text message

  • message.text: (string) - required text message

incomming event

"mid": "<unique event identification>",
"text":"hello, world!"

responding to user

"response_to_mid": "source event identification",
"text":"hello, world!"

Responding with an alternative content for voice

incomming event: not available

responding to user

  • message.voice: (object) - optinal alternative for voice interface
  • [message.voice.voice]: (string) - voice name
  • [message.voice.language]: (string) - voice language
  • [message.voice.ssml]: (string) - optional SSML for providing better voice experience

Speech object can be attached to any message response type.

"response_to_mid": "source event identification",
"text":"hello, world!",
"voice": {
"ssml": "SSML alternative", // optional
"voice": "cs-CZ-AntoninNeural"

Quick reply suggestions

  • message.text: (string) - required text message

incomming event

  • text (string) - the text of selected quick reply suggestion
  • quick_reply.payload (string) - the content of quick reply
"mid": "<unique event identification>",
"text":"hello, world!",
"quick_reply": {

responding to user

  • text (string) - text message the suggestions are bound to
  • quick_replies (object[]) - list of quick replies
  • quick_replies[].content_type (enum) - place for alternative suggestion types
    • text - textual quick reply types
  • quick_replies[].title (string) - suggestion title
  • quick_replies[].payload (string) - bot payload helps to identify the chosen suggestion
"response_to_mid": "source event identification",
"text":"hello, world!",
"quick_replies": [
"content_type": "text",

Incomming intent

  • message.intent: (object) - required
  • message.intent.intent: (string|string[]) - the intent
  • [message.intent.score]: (number) - detected intent score (0.0 - 1.0)
  • [message.intent.entities]: (object[]) - optional array of entities
  • message.intent.entities.entity: (string) - detected entity name
  • message.intent.entities.value: (string) - detected entity value
  • [message.intent.entities.score]: (number) - detected entity score (0.0 - 1.0)
  • [message.text]: (string) - optional text uterance

incomming event

"sender": {
"recipient": {
"mid": "<unique event identification>",
"message": {
"intent": {
"intent": "detected-intent",
"entities": [ // optional
{ "entity": "entity-name", "value": "entity-value" }
"text":"hello, world!" // optional

responding to user: not available

Postback event

  • postback.payload (string) - required
  • postback.title (string) - optional button title, or call to action
  • postback.target_app_id (string,enum) - event is targetted for a special app
    • PRIMARY - the primary application of a channel
    • OWNER - thread owner (default)

incomming event

The postback is a background event. It could be visible, if there is a title attribute.

"sender": {
"id": "<USER_ID>"
"id": "<CHANNEL_ID>"
"timestamp": 1458692752478,
"mid": "<unique event identification>",
"payload": "<USER_DEFINED_PAYLOAD>",
"title": "<OPTIONAL_CTA_TITLE>",
"target_app_id": "<OPTIONAL_TARGET_APP>"

responding to user

"response_to_mid": "source event identification",
"payload": "<USER_DEFINED_PAYLOAD>",


Attachment: media (audio, video, image, file)

incomming event

  • message.attachments (object[]) - attachment type
  • message.attachments[].type (enum) - attachment type
    • audio
    • video
    • image
    • file
  • message.attachments[].payload.url (string) - url of media content
"mid": "<unique event identification>",
"attachments": [
"url": "<MEDIA URL>"

responding to user

  • message.attachment.type (enum) - attachment type
    • audio
    • video
    • image
    • file
    • template - has different format of properties
  • message.attachment.payload.url (string) - url to media content
  • message.attachment.payload.is_reusable (string) - optionally tells the channel adapter to cache the content
"response_to_mid": "source event identification",
"url":"<MEDIA URL>",
"is_reusable":true // optional

Button (element description)

  • type (enum) - button type
    • postback
    • web_url
  • url (string) - link for web_url button
  • payload (string) - developer defined payload for postback button

URL button

Opens a web page.

"type": "web_url",
"url": "<TARGET URL>",
"title": "<VISIBLE CAPTION>"

Postback button

Sends a postback to the bot, that created the button regardless who's the current thread owner.

"type": "postback",
"title": "<VISIBLE CAPTION>"

Attachment: template

  • message.attachment.type (enum) - attachment type
    • template
  • message.attachment.payload.template_type (enum)
    • button - for the button template
    • generic - for the carousel of cards

incomming event: not available

sending a button template

  • message.attachment.payload.text (string) - text above buttons
  • message.attachment.payload.buttons (Button[]) - list of buttons (1-3)
"type": "postback",
"title": "<VISIBLE CAPTION>"

sending a carousel of cards (generic template)

  • message.attachment.payload.elements (object[]) - list of cards
  • message.attachment.payload.elements[].title (string) - card title
  • message.attachment.payload.elements[].subtitle (string) - optional card subtitle
  • message.attachment.payload.elements[].buttons (Button[]) - optional buttons (0-3)
"image_url":"<IMAGE URL>", // optional
"subtitle":"<SUBTITLE TEXT>", // optional
"buttons":[ // optional
"type": "postback",
"title": "<VISIBLE CAPTION>"

Handover protocol

The protocol allows do orchestrate the conversation and makes bot able to decide, which skill should handle the conversation.

Pass thread - transfering the context to another application

passing a thread

  • target_app_id (string,enum) - application to pass the thread to
    • PRIMARY - the primary application of a channel
  • metadata (string) - optional metadata to pass within the pass thread event
"response_to_mid": "source event identification",
"target_app_id": "<TARGET_APP>",

incomming event

The postback is a background event. It could be visible, if there is a title attribute.

  • pass_thread_control.new_owner_app_id (string) - identifier of the target app
  • pass_thread_control.previous_owner_app_id (string) - id of the last thread owner app
  • pass_thread_control.metadata (string) - optional metadata from the original event
  • context (object) - shared context if the app is subscribed to it's updates
  • context.timestamp (number) - unix timestamp of the last modification of shared context
"mid": "<unique event identification>",
"new_owner_app_id": "<TARGET_APP_ID>",
"previous_owner_app_id": "<PREVIOUS_APP_ID>",
"context": {
"timestamp": 129392434398
// if the app is subscribed to shared context updates

Passing thread with text

To make the target application able to answer the incomming event it's possible to include a previous text event from the user.

  • message.text: (string) - text uterance

passing a thread

"target_app_id": "<TARGET_APP>",

incomming event

"new_owner_app_id": "<TARGET_APP_ID>",
"previous_owner_app_id": "<PREVIOUS_APP_ID>"

Passing thead with an intent

It's also possible to to pass the thread with an intent

  • message.intent: (string) - required
  • [message.entities]: (object[]) - optional array of entities
  • message.entities.entity: (string) - detected entity name
  • message.entities.value: (string) - detected entity value
  • [message.entities.score]: (number) - detected entity confidence (0.0 - 1.0)
  • [message.text]: (string) - optional text uterance

passing a thread

"target_app_id": "<TARGET_APP>",
"entities": [ // optional
{ "entity": "entity-name", "value": "entity-value" }
"text":"hello, world!" // optional

incomming event

"new_owner_app_id": "<TARGET_APP_ID>",
"previous_owner_app_id": "<PREVIOUS_APP_ID>"
"entities": [
{ "entity": "entity-name", "value": "entity-value" }
"text":"hello, world!"

Passing the thread to trigger the specific action or dialogue

To be able to pass the thread to a specific dialogue of a specific bot, a postback can be bundled in pass thread event. For example, it's useful when passing a thread to human agent.

  • postback.payload (string) - required - will be passed to target application

incomming event

The postback is a background event. It could be visible, if there is a title attribute.

"target_app_id": "<TARGET_APP>",

incomming event

"new_owner_app_id": "<TARGET_APP_ID>",
"previous_owner_app_id": "<PREVIOUS_APP_ID>"

Sharing the conversation context between skills

Setting the context and listening to updates

Each conversation has an own key-value store of shared data.

setting a shared context

The shared context is changed just when the following request is received by orchestrator.

  • set_context (object) - keys and values to be changed
  • set_context.<KEY> (any) - the changed value
"set_context": {
"<KEY>": "<VALUE>"

getting notified

The application will get notified, if

  • a prop, the app is subrcibed to, has been changed
  • the app is not an emmiter of the change

There's only one object to be received

  • set_context (object) - new context of the conversation
"set_context": {
"<KEY>": "<VALUE>"

When handover event occurs, the target application will receive the whole context wihin a context object

Tracking protocol

The protocol allows to attach usefull informations from dialogue platform to source conversation.

Attaching tracking events to the bot response

In ideal case, a tracking event should be sent after all conversation response events.

  • tracking (object) - tracking object container
  •[].type (enum:log,report,conversation,audit,user) - category of the tracking event
  •[].category (string) - category of the tracking event
  •[].label (string) - optional label of the tracking event
  •[].value (number) - optional numeric value of the tracking event - 0 by default
  •[].payload (object) - optional unstructured data related to tracking event
  • tracking.meta (object) - optional metadata related to response events
  • tracking.meta.actions (string[]) - list of dispatched actions
  • tracking.meta.intent (string) - detected intent
  • tracking.meta.confidence (number) - used confidence threshold
  • tracking.meta.intents ({ intent: string, score number }) - detailed intent detection breakdown
  • tracking.meta.entities ({ entity: string, value: any, score number }) - detected entities
"response_to_mid": "abc123",
"tracking": {
"events": [ // optional
"type": "",
"category": "<TRACKING_CATEGORY>",
"label": "<TRACKING_LABEL>", // optional
"value": 1, // optional
"payload": {} // optional
"meta": {
"actions": ["start"],
"intent": null,
"confidence": 0.86

Other events

Sender action event (typing)

This event enhances a text channel conversation.

  • sender_action: (enum) - optinal alternative for voice interface
    • typing_on - show typing indicator
    • typing_off - hide a typing indicator

incomming event

"recipient": {
"id": "<CHANNEL_ID>"
"sender": {
"id": "<USER_ID>"
"response_to_mid": "source event identification",
"sender_action": "typing_off"

responding to user

"recipient": {
"id": "<USER_ID>"
"sender": {
"id": "<CHANNEL_ID>"
"response_to_mid": "source event identification",
"sender_action": "typing_on"

Wait event - for synchronous responses

This event helps to make a pause between visual messaging events at synchronous response mode.

incomming event: not available

responding to user

the event is ignored in asynchronous communication

  • wait: (number) - number of milisecods to wait
"recipient": {
"id": "<USER_ID>"
"sender": {
"id": "<CHANNEL_ID>"
"response_to_mid": "source event identification",
"wait": 1000

Application subscribtion

Each app can be subscribed to following events

  • messages (boolean) - text messages and quick replies
  • handovers (boolean) - handover events
  • postbacks (boolean) - postbacks
  • senderActions (boolean) - client side sender actions
  • contextUpdates (boolean) - subscribe to context updates
  • standbyIncoming (boolean) - the app will receive all standby messages from page
  • standbyOutgoing (boolean) - the app will receive all standby messages from applications
  • tracking (boolean) - the app will receive all tracking events sent to orchestrator even if it's not a thread owner